The only thing we can be sure of in this world is that one day we shall die. In spite of that, we tend to live our lives as if it was never going to happen. Yet there are many among us who are deprived of the right to think that way. Victor (31) has a rare form of cancer in an advanced stage; moreover, his wife is about to divorce him. Trapped in the antechamber of death and with his family falling to pieces, he knows that perhaps the most important decisions of his life must be taken here and now.
Monthly Archive for June, 2010
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From fugitive of the II World War along president – that is the story of Latvian nation destiny, what Vaira Vike-Freiberga tells. From refugee along the highest political jet set of the world. Losing motherland and coming back. Attention to Lettic in emigration (Latvian identity) and returning nation of the Lettic to the world’s political surrounding. Latvian, fugitive, emigrant, wife, mother, professor, scientist, PRESIDENT.
The harsh environment of Latgale determines the visual language and “provincial” aesthetic of this film, while the particular milieu of the surrounding pottery furnaces and old cottages depict an end of the line region where one man is burning himself in the fires of his artistic passion, making of clay pots.
No Annesī festivāla un veiksmīgas dalības animācijas filmu tirgū MIFA, kas pagājušajā nedēļā norisinājās Francijā, atgriezušies filmu studijas RIJA pārstāvji. Šajā nozīmīgākajā pasaules animācijas filmu tirgū RIJA piedalījās ar savu stendu, kur ārvalstu interesentiem piedāvāja Latvijā tapušās animācijas filmas.
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