“When apples roll” in April participates in six international festivals

The Latvian animated film “When apples roll”, directed by Reinis Kalnaellis and shot at the film studio Rija, this month is participating in six international festivals – it will be screened in Greece, Germany, United States, Turkey, Italy and Latvia.

Today on April 2, “When apples roll” will be screened at the Greece 4th International Animated Films Festival “Anim’est”, after which its Latvian premiere will take place on April 11, within the framework of the International Children’s Film Festival “Berimor’s Cinema” in Riga.

In Germany the film will be presented at the 21th Dresden Film Festival, during which it will be screened also in other cities of Germany. At the same time “When apples roll” will participate at the 27th Minneapolis International Film Festival in the U.S.

The animated film will conclude its April tour at the Verona Film Festival in Italy and Turkey’s 6th International Children’s Film Festival.

The animated film “When apples roll” tells a story of friendship between a cat, a mouse and a penguin; the film was premiered at the 59th International Berlin Film Festival.

“When apples roll” was created with financial support of the National Cinema Center, State Culture Capital Foundation and the Riga City Council.

“When apples roll” in April participates in six international festivals

2016. gada 6. maijā Filmu studija RIJA ir noslēgusi līgumu
nr. SKV-L-2016/232 ar Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības
aģentūrusadarbību programmā "Izauksme un nodarbinātība" ar
mērķi "Palielināt augstas pievienotās vērtības produktu un
pakalpojumu eksporta proporciju" pasākuma "Starptautiskās
konkurētspējas veicināšanas" ietvaros.