Two Little Devils escape from their fiery home – hell by coincidence. They find themselves into a farm managed by the honest and diligent Landlord. Together with the Little Devils two Robbers arrive in the farm to rob the Landlord. Being of diabolic nature the Little Devils decide to use their knowledge of witchcraft to fight the Landlord. Although they try hard to injure the Landlord, all their witchcrafts turn against the Robbers. The evil intentions of the Robbers fail.
Having met the kind and beautiful Princess the Little Devils grow to understand that being good is more fun and better than being evil. After resisiting to the call of their old devil Schoolmaster and saving the Princess from his hands, the Little Devils turn to humans – two nice mischevious boys.
Together with Princess they face the beautiful and unknown world.
Monthly Archive for August, 2010
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One day a common man finds himself in a hell of family life. How did he get there? It all started with such a romance – they met in a museum of contemporary art…